Thanks for coming to the Tavern Tour. We all had a really fun time. Keep an eye out for next year's tour. 2001: A Tour Odyssey
Overview Map Photos January 29 - Ten 56 February 19 - Hopleaf March 18 -Old Town Ale House April 29 - Great Beer Palace May 20 - Goose Isle Brew June 17 - Cody's July 22 - Buffalo Bar August 19 - Sheffield's September 9 - Village Tap October 14 - Bucktown Pub November 18 - Fireside December 9 - Kasey's Tavern
Saturday - January 29 Ukrainian Village Ten 56 back to top
Saturday - February 19 Andersonville Hopleaf Photos back to top
Saturday - March 18 Old Town Old Town Ale House Photos back to top
Saturday - October 14 Bucktown Bucktown Pub Photos back to top
Saturday - December 9 Printers' Row Kasey's Tavern Photos back to top